东莞市瑞祺化工有限公司(Dongguan Ricky Chemical Co.,LTD)是一家集生产、研发、贸易为一体的粉体填料企业。公司采用国内先进设备生产,所有产品在生产过程中均严格按照矿业标准生产,过程严格检验、测试分析和控制,确保产品质量稳定,在原料高涨的时代,无机填料其低价格、环保、高性能、高填充的特性受到越来越多客户的追捧和使用,借此我们公司专注于降低客户生产成本保证产品质量而努力着,“瑞祺启航、品质同行”为客户提供高品质的原材料。
本公司一直以客户为中心,需求为导向,锐意进取赢得广泛的市场和客户的厚爱,产品远销全国各地。面对竞争激烈的市场,公司将继续加强与更多客户的合作交流、共谋发展、共图大业、为客户提供满意的产品和服务是我们永恒的追求,我们以“海纳百川 厚德务实”的东莞城市精神欢迎您的到来!
Dongguan Ricky Chemical Co.,LTD is a production, development and trade in one enterprise which manages the existing state of application and problems being faced with about powder filler in plastics. The company in guangxi, liaoning up production base, the use of advanced domestic production equipment, all the products in the production process, in strict accordance with the mining standard production process to strict inspection, testing analysis and control, product quality to customer, to supply high quality raw materials.
With high development, but the constant expansion of chemical industry in Dongguan Guangdong kee Guangzhou the next neighbour to the north and south west and east of Huizhou in Shenzhen , a neighbour across the straight Zhuhai and Zhongshan of the marketing centres , Its geographical position is very good customer for pearl river delta region offer technical solutions or first class product service. Company our products have glass powder, and transparent powder, mica powder silicon powder etc..Mainly used to paint, plastic, rubber, facades, chemical or radiation, roll up, filling materials, etc, field.
This company always focus on the customer and demand guide, enterprising innovating won extensive market and customers well received, The products are sold throughout the country. the competitive market. We will continue to strengthen and more customers cooperation exchange, connive development, the total figure of to provide customers with satisfaction the products and services is our everlasting pursuit. we have " the sea accept hundred river , to myjsy to pragmatic" which is the spirit of Dongguan city to welcome your arrival! |